Every Kit is Customizable
If there is no one-fits-all solution, we can customize your kits with everything you need throughout every project stage.
Ready-To-Assemble Kits
Each kit comes with exactly what you need to get the job done in a designated workspace so you don't have to waste time gathering and transporting
supplies yourself.
Receive Custom-Configured Panels
We can deliver custom-configured panels for large-scale projects through our relationships vendor manufacturing locations near you.
Factory Ordered Material Kits
Even if your material has to be custom manufactured, Elliott Electric can manage receiving the components, organizing them for you, and delivering them
to you on your terms. Your job stays organized and streamlined.
Labeling with Your Custom Part Numbers
No need to halt progress and update your inventory system for the manufacturers' part numbers. We can print labels with your Custom Part Numbers.
Custom Storage Labels
Every pallet stored in our warehouse for your project is labeled, so it's easy to tell what's yours. If there are additional requirements that
need to be met for stored material, such as marking every pallet with a specific job number to comply with the specs, we can take care of that too.