What Customers Have to Say

Testimonials & Customer Success Stories

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We take pride in the success of our customers and we're glad to do anything we can to make even the most ambitious and time-critical projects possible. These are just a few of the stories of Elliott Electric Supply's customers whose efforts are making a big impact in their communities.

Customer Testimonial

White Electric

"Our service guys are in and out of Elliott's every day. They're probably the largest vendor we use for electrical, mainly. They have lots of sites.
They have lots of materials we can access easily and it's easy to get in and out of the store.
Easy to get stuff delivered. That's why we choose to use Elliott Electric as our primary vendor."
- James P.
Project Manager at White Electric

Customer Testimonial

Performance Electrical Construction

"Elliott Electric Supply is, all around, a really great company.
They really do take care of you.
So, if you need someone to take care of you, definitely try them out."
- Devin
Performance Electrical Construction

Customer Success Story

Hargis Electric: Lighting of the Eiffel Tower

Hargis Electric was recently awarded a job to illuminate the Eiffel Tower in Paris, TX. Nathan Bailey, their long-time Elliott Electric Supply salesperson from nearby Sulphur Springs, TX, provided Hargis Electric with LEDs and exceeded their expectations by assisting with their project.

Nathan invited a lighting representative to demonstrate fixture capabilities to the Paris Chamber of Commerce. Those in attendance were impressed with the flexibility of colors, along with the overall lighting result. The Chamber of Commerce asked for a proposal, and Hargis Electric won the job.

Paris, TX Eiffel Tower

Light fixtures of the Eiffel Tower changing colors

The two-month lighting installation consisted of 27 Color Burst Power Core fixtures and an iPlayer3 Controller. This allows the Paris Civic Center to display an array of colored lighting on their Eiffel Tower, ranging from matching the current holiday season to honoring local schools' colors when hosting school events. And every color looks great.

In celebration of the job's completion, the Chamber of Commerce held a Ribbon Cutting and Tower Lighting ceremony. Bryan Hargis, owner of Hargis Electric, LLC, had this to say regarding his recent endeavor:
"This project was a huge success because of people like Nathan and Elliott Electric Supply's lighting rep going above and beyond the call of duty.
On several occasions, they drove to Paris to ensure the integrity of the project — from before the job started to the finished result. They understood how important the successful completion of our project was to the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Paris."

Elliott Electric Supply would like to congratulate Hargis Electric for its triumph and thank Mr. Bryan Hargis for sharing his story.

Customer Success Story

Newton Electric: Tornado Recovery

We received the following letter from Jon Newton, owner of Newton Electric and Refrigeration in Clarksville, Arkansas:

"After a tornado hit Clarksville, Arkansas, the entire city was without power for 16 plus hours. I was working at the Clarksville Police Department, trying to get their generator back in service, which powers the fire and police departments' radio system."

"To my surprise, your salesman, Michael Hilgerson, showed up bringing two hot pizzas to me and my helper as he knew there was no hot food available in Clarksville. This was very thoughtful and kind of him and enabled us to stay at our worksite as we had a list of customers needing help with their electrical meter services. He also expedited and supplied all the necessary electrical parts we needed to get our customers back in service."

"Your Russellville store is also very professional and customer-friendly. I have truly enjoyed working with your staff."

"When someone like Michael goes over and beyond their duties, I think they should be recognized. I truly hope your company realizes what a dedicated and caring employee you are fortunate enough to have serving the Clarksville area. Way to go, Elliott Electric!"

Customer Success Story

Linx Electric: 1600 Amp Overnight Rebuild

One evening, Linx Electrical Services began work on a 1600-amp service rebuild project for a supermarket in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area. Linx performed the 19-hour job overnight, so the market's business would not be affected.

This challenging project was such a success that Brian Linxwiler, co-owner of Linx Electrical, recently sent us a letter of appreciation, thanking Elliott Electric Supply for the support the Linx team received, particularly from Elliott salesman, Weldon Dodd. (Read the letter)

"I can't recall a time when the entire Linx Electric staff was on one job site together," Linxwiler writes about the 19-hour, overnight overhaul. "There is one person in particular that is the only reason that this job was completed .... This person is not even on our payroll. His name is Weldon Dodd."

According to Linxwiler, Elliott salesman Weldon Dodd was phoned "between 9 pm and 10 pm" for emergency support. "He was on site within an hour, and wanted to know what we needed, and that he would be happy to get it for us."

"I remember having a conversation with Weldon the next morning as the sun was coming up. Still, with good spirits, there was Weldon ... asking if we needed anything. He had stayed with us all night!"

"Weldon helped us come up with ideas, tools, and materials to complete the job. As far as I am concerned, there is not a 'supply house,' or any vendor for that matter, that has ever supported Linx Electric the way we were supported that night."

Customer Success Story

A&H Electric: Pioneering Renewable Energy in Southern Texas

Galveston Daily News published a feature story about A&H Electric, loyal customers of Elliott Electric Supply, for their impressive commitment to finding the best renewable energy solutions. The Beall family, owners and operators of A&H Electric in Galveston since 1929, have embarked on a mission to wade through the hype and the dizzying array of products to find the best wind turbines, other alternative power sources, and energy-efficient products out there.

Their year-long trial run of various products involves several windmill models, including a 90-foot commercial-grade turbine capable of producing 20 kilowatts of power, which is combined in a hybrid system with solar panels mounted on the A&H warehouse. The We-Power Falcon vertical-axis wind turbines were sold to A&H by Elliott Electric Supply.

The Bealls have gone the extra mile to test environmentally friendly technology in a very practical way. They power their business along with three houses, back up their grid with four large batteries, and enjoy the very real possibility of selling electricity back to their utility company. They're always evaluating their electric system to determine which configuration offers maximum performance.

Apart from being the voluntary 'guinea pigs' for the relatively new technology, A&H Electric is affecting the Galveston community in a big way by generating interest, educating the curious, and testing the manufacturers, down to and including the quality of their customer service. In a year when Bealls' ambitious test has run its course, there's no doubt that the products they choose to stock will be on the shelves at A&H Electric for a very good reason.

A&H Electric with wind turbines

We-Power Falcon vertical-axis wind turbines

Beall shows off wind turbine batteries.

Storage batteries for off-grid power

Want Your Story Featured?

Send us an email with details and photos of your success story. All serious submissions will be considered.